Professional Copywriting Services: Why Curlew New York


Increased Cash Flow + More Time

If you could avoid writing and sending marketing materials, and would make more money as a result, would you? Curlew’s copywriting division is built around one idea: rest easy, we’ve got this.

While you’re working on existing business ––– or better yet, vacationing in the South of France, we’re finding new clients for you; clients who already know and trust your work, and clients who are in need of your services.


A Call Me Up Anytime Creative Partner

Need ten ideas to generate $10,000 before the end of the month; and want to start working on them yesterday? Have an idea for a marketing campaign, but lack the time and confidence to get the project off the ground? Call us anytime. We’re here. Rest easy, we’ve got this.

We can grasp that the difference between a successful company and one that folds is slim –––– and often, less a question of talent and ability, and more a question of getting clear and consistent marketing copy in front of prospective clients. Often, it’s easy to have the ideas, but more difficult to apply those ideas consistently. We get it, and we can help.

About Curlew New York’s Professional Copywriting Services

Curlew’s PCS division is led by Curlew New York’s founder and editor, Isaac Myers III. Isaac is an attorney, and was admitted to the New York State bar in 2012. He earned an MFA in Creative Writing from the New School in 2013.

Isaac has built the Curlew name and brand from the ground up, beginning in July of 2015. Since that summer, Curlew has evolved and pivoted time and again: from a full service residential real estate company (six sales closed, and at least eleven apartments rented); to the Curlew Law firm: a legal team that has helped countless homeowners stay in their homes and avoid foreclosure, which has also represented several small businesses in lawsuits brought by their commercial landlords; and has helped at least thirty individuals obtain debt relief through filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Curlew New York, which was founded in August of 2017, has published and highlighted the work and stories of nearly one hundred poets, writers, and photographers who have called (or who still call) New York City home. The journal, which is now in its ninth issue, evokes a sense of imagination and possibility; and delivers first-hand accounts of the writer’s life in New York City. Every single day, a new piece of writing and/or photography is published as part of its Curlew Daily.

While Isaac will be the main point of contact, and will likely write most of the marketing copy for your company’s project, you’ll also have a team of Curlew’s writers on-hand who can advise and contribute as needed. Simply put: we get things done as a team at Curlew. We always have; and we always will –––– and we look forward to having you on board.